【月~土】10:00~22:30 (22:00LO)
【日・祝】10:00~21:30 (21:00LO)



  • 東京都千代田区 麹町(レストラン)
  • 西武池袋本店 地下1階おかず市場内(総菜販売)


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Peculiatiry of AJANTA

Authentic taste unaltered to Japanese taste

Jaya wanted to serve his home cooking, nothing else. Such stubborness was taken with strong support of our wide generations of clients.

Passing of the tradition of taste

For more than 50 years, our recipe have passed down unchanged. Our Indian chefs are not allowed any alterations. Our clients expect the same taste after several years of first visit and they get what they have in memory.

Selection of spices blended for individual ingredient

Sujata says her husband, Jaya, taught her the secret of Murti's cuisine is carefully choosing spices for particular dish, _And mix it with piquant, saline, bitterness and a handfull of love. Taking time and putting heart in preparing each food is what diners will strangly sense.

Abundantly using carefully screened spices

To keep the quality of pungency, aroma and depth of savory, south Indian spices are chosen. "We use a weeks spices supply in other Indian restaurants in one day", says our chef. Bringing out the best of ingredients by separetely blending spices for each dish.

Charcoal in Tandoor oven is never extinguished

We are not open 24 hours anymore but we do not hesitate to put extra cost and work to get best results in our preparations.